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Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling in Boise, ID

img At times, all couples experience difficulties with communication, disconnection, or intimacy. Often I find that it’s not that partners don’t love each other; it’s that they can’t FIND each other. Partly, because every part of life comes first before their relationship. They lose each other when the stress and responsibilities of life take over and there is no space for their relationship. Often they get caught in a constant negative pattern of angry words, painful emotions, and lonely disconnection that leaves no room for enjoying each other. And if an affair happens, it can add another level of devastation and pain where the ability to trust again can seem impossible. 

If you are at the point where you feel painfully lost about how to connect with your partner or don’t know how to save your marriage and family, please know that there is help. Emotions can be confusing, but please know that wanting out of your pain may not be the same as wanting out of your relationship.  
My job is to help you find common ground for healing and re-connection to begin, or to find coping strategies and peace in dissolving your relationship. Here are some of the ways we can work together to help you and your partner take the next steps that are right for your relationship:    

     -By awareness and understanding of each other's emotional needs
     -By learning new skills for attending to each other’s needs
     -By looking at patterns of disconnection that create separation, 
          loneliness, and vulnerability
     -By learning and practicing new skills for positive communication
     -By understanding each other's personality differences and how they can
         become strengths in your relationship rather than irritations
     -By recognizing and attending to each other’s love languages
     -By taking action steps toward increased relational and physical intimacy
     -By understanding and attending to behaviors of infidelity, pornography or substance abuse
     -By processing complex emotions of separation or divorce, co-parenting strategies, and life transitions
     -By creating strategies for balancing life stress, family responsibilities, and careers

You can take a positive step toward a happier and healthier marriage or relationship. You can find peace and happiness after trust has been broken or disconnection as a couple is all you know. It will take commitment and hard work, but isn’t your most important relationship worth it? Aren't you worth the effort?  I offer a free 15 minute phone consultation and I’m always happy to answer your questions. Please allow me to help you get started today.

*Telehealth options available during COVID-19 as social distancing recommendations remain. Video sessions offer couples privacy, safety, and convenience for counseling in their private home. *A HIPPA-compliant video host site is used to assure confidentiality. 

 Call: 208-899-7727or email appointment requests to: [email protected]

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